
Little Translations

My translating business goes beyond the typical legal document. I have a 5 year old stepdaughter full of energy and love. Her father and I are trying to introduce Spanish to her at home. We know it will be useful to her in the future as she tries to get into college or find a job. So we have been trying to speak mostly Spanish to her and teaching her new words every day. Like most kids, when it comes to a new language she's very receptive and enthusiastic. But then there are those language gap moments that like the MasterCard commercial says are "priceless."

We'll tell her what we think is a simple command that we've given her before. She'll stare at us with a blank face. We say it again. She now squints her eyes and seems to be thinking "I know I should know this... but what are they saying?" Then she'll say "oh OK" and go to the living room to pick up her toys instead of going to brush her teeth as we were asking. As we're about to say it again she'll finally just give up and say "I just don't understand when you speak to me that way"

That's where a little translation comes in...